
New semester Fall 07

This semester I teach for the first time a complete EPFR 515 - Advanced Educational Psychology (Human Cognition and learning) Online course, for which I very excited. My in-class sections use lots of technology, so it will be very interesting to see how it goes complete techno :-)

New semester started and with it stressful moments.... Monday I was assigned a classroom with 20 chairs and a Blackboard (the one on the wall not the internet system of Blackboard!), so we moved to the Library to have our first class. Tuesday I was assigned a computer lab, but it was locked and the person who had the key left already and ... we moved to the Library again. Thanks to Dr. Paris (from Lovejoy Library) we could use both days the Information training lab.
My only request each semester is to have a smart class since we use power point, video, and internet access. But now that the first bumpy meetings are out of the way we can start full power!

I have a very nice mix of students and I am looking forward to the new semester experience.
Good luck to all! - including me with the online class :-)

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