
Problem solving

You know problem solving steps:
1. Needs assessment -- perceptual processing -- WM -- attention and consciousness

2. Criteria and constraints -- perceptual processing --WM and LTM-- semantic memory-- schema and scripts -- LTM -- deductive reasoning

3. Brainstorming for ideas, possibilities, choices etc. -- creativity - semantic memory --LTM--WM -- schema and scripts

4. Testing a specific idea -- deductive reasoning (if... then...) this can be by trial and error or deductive reasoning , logical thinking, abstract thinking -- metacognition. And "if... then... " can bring us in a loop of trying new ideas out of the many brainstormed. We use abstract reasoning (Formal operation in Piaget's theory of Cognitive development. The hallmark of this formal stage is hypothetic-deductive reasoning. Yes!). Decision making by choosing one of the ideas. If does not work then go back to brainstorm, choose another idea, and start testing again.

5. Choice of the best idea and implementation. Application. Building of the prototype and final product. That is Decision making!

6. Document all throughout the process, revise, look back and learn, and... form a schema, a script that next time around ... we will try to use by top-down processing. Yes, because of that next time around we might even make some mistakes (belief bias) and be overconfident....

7. Look back and learn --- metacognition, LTM, deductive reasoning, decision making, lifespan memory.

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