
Rubric for workshop (form 1)

Criteria-------- Points

Demonstrates an excellent understanding of key concepts; Writes clearly and logically; Shows and reflects on the relation between the concepts and topics; Grounded in the academic literature (use of citations and reference); Comprehensively addresses the topic; Includes descriptions, details, and personal examples for each major concept. Shows personal reflection on the theory; Different slides and topics present a continuous relation; Has reference or hyperlinks to the major concepts presented. Scholar presentation style, in the expressions used, grammar, and spelling. Excellent classroom applications with innovative techniques, good links to classroom activities

Demonstrates understanding of most key concepts; Generally writes clearly and logically; Acceptable support with resources (less academic literature more internet resources); Topics are presented sequential but weak presentation of comprehensive relationship between the major topics; Has references and hyperlinks for the majority of topics (but does not define and link major concepts), links are not with academic/scholar content (just a link on the web for the topic). Concepts are not presented (has a link to another web page for the reader); Has examples but they are short, not explained in detail, and with tangent relation to the topic. Does not explain the applications. Not careful in used expressions, grammar, and spelling.

Demonstrates limited understanding of key concepts; Careless writing, no comprehensive presentation of relation between the topics; Short and not comprehensive postings; Does not show the link between the major topics; Does not explain the major concepts but gives hyperlinks to web page for more info; Weak academic support with literature; Weak presentation of personal reflection on the theory; Rushed examples, mostly not personal examples (copied from text examples). Minimal real life application. Minimal references and hyperlinks. Not careful in used expressions, grammar, and spelling.

Mostly “just to do the job” slides; Short and disjointed remarks and writing; Concepts are not grounded in the academic literature; Disjointed presentation of topics; Only 1-2 hyperlinks or not at all. Lack of care in examples, or lack of examples over all. Topics are presented only as paraphrased from text, no personal reflection and does not show comprehensive understanding of the topics. Lack of real life applications. Sloppy expressions, grammar, and no care for the spelling.
20 or less

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