
Team Assignment--workshop


Workshop (30 points)

Each student or pair of students (according to the number of students in the class) will develop a Power Point workshop (count it as length of maximum 50 minutes of class time) on a topic assigned for the date. The workshop will be based but should not repeat your textbook. That means you could choose the entire or a part of a topic, do a research related to that topic and develop it into a workshop by bringing in new and applied knowledge, but DO NOT repeat the information/content from the lecture (see power points for lecture) nor from the textbook (everyone in class is accountable to read the material from the text before coming to class). The goal of the workshop is to complete, and provide an integrated learning experience on the topic or part of the topic studied for that week. The workshop has as purpose the application to real life context of the respective content. Students will develop a power point, and a Brochure with the content presented (other information with reference to the internet, games, role play, panels, case studies, debates, audio and video methods, etc.). It is advised to develop activities that would involve as much possible your audience in the workshop process. Remember it is a workshop not a lecture or presentation! That is you have to integrate at least two activities to help your peers learn the topic you present. You have to give your colleagues new and innovative modalities of application of the content to real life. When you integrate the activities in the workshop you must specify for what exactly they can be used and the purpose why you use that activity. You also must show what are the cognitive processes used by the participants involved in that specific activity.
After class you are to post your Power point and Notes to the WORKSHOP forum by using a thread and attaching all documents to it, this way everyone will have access later in the semester to the material presented in class (just as you have access to my power point lectures). (Below see the brochure details)

Workshop evaluation rubric (see detailed rubric in separate document):
- Content coverage and meaning (Was the workshop integrated and pertinent related to the topic in study? Did the presenters display knowledge of the topic? Did the presenters respond in a knowledgeable manner to all questions?)
- New topic information (Was the content of the workshop going beyond the text book? Did it bring new and complex information pertaining to a college level audience?)
- Usefulness of content presented (Did the workshop help the audience to apply the content in a work related environment? Did the presenters involve the audience in discussions?)
- Creativity of presentation (Did the workshop generate new ideas that have real life application? Was the workshop interesting and did the activities progress smoothly? Did the workshop use creative modalities for presentation?)
- Clarity & professionalism (Did the presenters conduct themselves in a professional and sophisticated manner? Did the presenters present the material in a clear and pertinent way?).

Workshop handout brochure (10 points)

Each workshop will have as a result a handout (brochure) with the purpose to share the information of the workshop with members of the community you work in. The purpose of the brochure is to bring the information to other members of the community. For this reason your brochure needs to be explicit, complete as content, well organized, and creative in order to present in a pertinent and attractive way the information what you deliver. This is not an advertisement brochure but an informative brochure (your purpose is not to attract people to participate, but to provide a handout-like information for those who need the information for later time, and those who could not participate but would like to know the content).
The brochure should present all major information of the workshop, instructions for all activities, and ALL references used for the workshop.

Brochure rubric will include:
- Content: Was the flyer content appropriate and useful? Did it provide all reference?
- Organization: Was the flyer well organized, clear, and logical?
- Flow: Did all parts of the flyer fit together?
- Format: Was the flyer appropriate for non-practitioners?
- Aesthetic: Was the format of the flyer attractive and creative?

Please attach the brochure as a word document next to your power point and Notes of your power point, on the Blackboard Discussion board forums.
You will LOOSE points if the power point is not accompanied by the Notes (which otherwise can be written directly on the notes section of the power point!), or your Notes do not have enough details.
Please DO NOT overwhelm your power points with all details, keep it professional. Make all details part of the Notes section. Please describe in detail all activities that you would use in a real meeting session of your workshop! Your colleagues must be able to use each activity for future purposes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. VADLO comes to mind, it is a educational powerpoints search engine. There are good research cartoons also.